Friday, June 6, 2008

What Is Tha Meaning Sore

Мэри Райли

sinister secret of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ... The whole truth about the horrible events that took place in the house doctor to end knows only one person - the maid Mary Reilly. Only she has seen everything that happened with the owner and his mysterious friend, had the habit of appearing at a time when Jack was at home ...

Director: Stephen Frears

Starring: Julia Roberts, John Malkovich, George Cole, Michael Гэмбон, Кэти Стэфф, Гленн Клоуз, Майкл Шин, Бронах Гэллагер, Линда Бассетт, Хенри Гудман, Сайэрэн Хайндз, Саша Ханау

США, 1996

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Can My Partner Contract Hpv From Fingering Me

thoughts note

Zitat - Kommentar zu einem Artekel: Moslems sagen: Allah gab das Kind - Allah wird das Brot geben. Wenn wir diese Wahrheit nicht erkennen werden, wird die Zukunft auf der Welt zu ihnen gehören und nicht zu uns.

"Kto wants to do - looking for money, who does not want - is looking for reasons"

Wer will was tun, der sucht die Mittel dafür,
wer will es nicht, der sucht die Ursachen dagegen.

" Gen. determines consciousness ."

" Das sein bestimmt das Bewusstsein. "

honesty and respect: Karl Marx madness