Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Masterbation Tricks For Older Woman

over the timetable, organization, and much more ...

After my last first Erstsemestertag ...

wisdom of the day also will be frozen grass mowed!

as this morning when I walked to the u-bahn at the park and along a poor, Siberian packed man had to mow ...

Wow, what a start to the week. Just really tiring. Although Mary and many others now believe the safe, but those are only the old prejudices (improvement of students do not have too much free time ... just as much to write every 2 weeks NEN journal ..!), and I've visited so far only 8 hours in two days, it is hardly possible to include all necessary information the first time. Similarly, of course, still all DIN-A-4-brochures, in which a number of important be about 3-mm-Winzschrift dargelgt and one after the first 2 inches has already tired of the durchzuukämpfen more ... Just as information books, course catalogs, forms, and and and and and.
But of course that is not all. For one thing would be there, what Munich Unileute are particularly proud: Not only with their whole education system itself (in terms of categorization = division, which shows in which semester and is referred to as and modularization = "handlichmachung" of the curriculum) but also in terms of organization. The lMule loves his LSF. (WERS will look at times, the home has not deterred from the way the rest: http://lsf.uni-muenchen.de)
The problem is it is programmed nciht really correct. Not bad, because some people think, but the problem: you have to the courses that are important, and these are the sign most, by LSF ... As can happen before, that the PC simply does not accept your registration, or the occupied lecture can not be included in your schedule ... or even better: It is well within the false information. Example: Latin beginners' course. I need for my language. Info: Registration for all required application is not possible, assigned seats: 0, free places: 0.
As you stand then, as in kindergarten, and thinks to himself, who is now because the one who has no idea where? Ultimately, I am simply without notification, which was also correct because only log Bachelor degree must, but the next problem: the SPF-part has recommended all the wrong student teachers (3-hour week) course, and the the other bachelors (4-hour). Now, of course, modify the most ncih more, now we are in the 3-hour course of so doing he would be a 4 hours of ...

Oh God, the great sales, only bad .. I can let nciht so ... No people, being a student is fun, except the one in a few days even run people from their own vintage of the way that you wanted to see as soon nciht weider, again only at the class reunion ...
But what you can really appreciate: the hours. I am fortunate in my English classes only sympathetic to teachers as far as I know so far. There's the nice, middle-aged professor of English teaching. Dry topic, but they managed that one yet somehow interested. And then the Dr. of above-mentioned Latin course: Type Schieferle, only competent, and tells his stories all the time dei ... and has been maintained with Sien calendar, but this vielleciht another time ...;) so that was all yesterday.

The alarm rings at 6, not in the mood to get up, always the same game. Three-quarters 8: Time for rettchen grow up, I have to fire me from looking lost the only type of loan, which was at that time already ... Jura-Ümit man who does not have any apartment in Munich, Augsburg comes from a small town Hinf and at the moment still needs to get up every day at half-fifth
But at 8:30, with a quarter-hour delay is our Integrated Skills Teacher, Oxford Sunnyboy Simon, with a broad smile in the space walks and invite us, zsammen in the group at the Kennenlernspielchen join. (This evening my Mitbewhonerin Yvonne thrilled: "Oh great, Simon, did you know educational games made?") Yes. We have. long. and it has even made fun because the rusted English could retrieve it from the verse effect.
So, that was the most important of the day ... The soziveranstaltungen tonight I'll be right back are bend, boring, and I braucs not because I will change anyway as soon as possible .... So guut, n bit much free time I have at the moment already. one probably I'm spending more time on the phone soon and thus with you ... ? Or you - or you and a pinch I can kill air time at work - tomorrow is my first H & M-day;)'m curious ...

Wwürd happy however, to read a line!
greet in the province! to all who live there but is 100% non-provincials are. these are only the ones that have now come to Munich to study with me ...^^

Ahoy, Marius

Monday, October 5, 2009

Online Kutumb Episodes

you call it ... the first time ..!

Yes it is actually so far.
I'm sitting here. In my own apartment, a laptop and it works Michael Jackson, the feeling of the unfamiliar to push a little ... My beautiful table candle is burning, thanks Mom. the light of the candle falling on the bare wall.
lonely thing, but not alone. But one is ever alone? No easy question to answer. It must be accessible on the situation ...
Currently: Nothing moves, the only thing audible is the crackling of the rain on my orange push-blinds and the Earth song ... Aaaahhhaahhhhahhahahhh. yes, it feels themselves at that, to suddenly be gone - in a completely new universe.

this morning but I know I was not safe alone. Not if the 600 other new student teachers with you in the biggest physics classroom (yes, the first impression was everything with you now ...^^) LMU gather and (almost) all with drawn teachers -Association-advertising gift pens and note their leaves waiting, even though the Versnstaltung starts in 20 minutes ... I was "almost".
I found it simply not important to monitor the Geschleime some deans and professors, and tell me to leave, they actually anyway can not say anything concrete, so that virtually everyone because for a single individual and therefore categorical case.
Nevertheless, this did not have the stupid property to be protracted over three hours, with no escape. Too many people in the row, on the steps on the floor in the hallway ... Please now, no subsequent terrorist attack Oktoberfest!

But the banter was actually survive ("ego sum exemplaris I"?) And I was really terrific two hours in high society-sunshine-time remaining to me to get a snack and ne landline phone number. Both somehow succeeded. ne both difficult birth. my beautiful Hawaiian tongue and have been out only taken out of the cellar and my Vodafone Apprentice Yilmaz, who did not know whether to me or Sietse name basis, and therefore both used in the same sentence has to constantly Bu ro must deceive in order to clarify some things ... Luckily I had two hours - change so quickly the views! be)
quick back to uni, phone must be forwarded UACh first ...; madness, what great information I can pass here somehow is not all that as presented, but good.

Then another setback at the next event info: is nevertheless a well-known short-haired Günzburger drummer myself, initials CW, self-given nickname "God". But only in bad jokes. But a familiar face was positive but auhc there would have been bad, if, although they tried to escape from local farmers, this would only really been there. The good Nina has blasted against me, the one that has been with me from time to time in Dürrlauingen together internship ... but no mention added that she went to Munich.
After the event, which was again not really Hiflreich - except you can not pick out yourself in the position of the office hours of tutors on the Internet - it has also seen me then endlcih and asked what I've decided. And then complain vehemently, because I have to do with her special education teacher ..! And then came the hottest of the day: nothing but broad Swabian dialect, in the middle of Munich, in the style of little Simon, the here, but no one knows but whatever. "Abr me wellat but zam Spaggalehrir maha ...!" - At least a bit of a home feeling. But well, I'm sorry baby, not today. even if it's really harmful is!

And then called Sarah, the poor little from Bonn, which since Saturday all alone with no familiar contact in Munich and has been hoping that I get - madness how much a woman in 4 hours, which is the one part drinking coffee and looking the other with a DVD and eating dung MCDoof spends talking to ...! But fun, especially the accent - and she does not believe that what she has ... But it is at least someone is not in one extreme of the wooden math computer science equipment, a la Ella, or the other of turbo-punk Egon, who is only there to finally have something to do ...

But never mind, will already have other ordinary people like me (I forbid you find here every ...!) grin.
all in all is just to say: I miss my old 11c. Maybe even the college level. Or? well, I think because I need to listen a little deeper into me ... but the result of my hypnotic esoteric yoga self-reflection will get through catharsis erharen her soon. Maybe soon - after the next mouse.
or just next time in the Maxi-Super Mario Blog
greetings to all home to!