Saturday, December 24, 2005

Matsui Lenses Mount What Brand Cameras

psychodollz @ 2005-12-24T14: 09:00

Free Image Hosting at
Merry Christmas (and optionally a bestrapstes Christ child / gifted exorcist Father Christmas)!

Finn drank the cup of mulled wine. It was Christmas Eve, however, still morning. At the advent burned four candles and a tree branch, but was cleared quickly. She giggled and reached for the pack of sparklers, which lay on the table. In his pants pocket, she still had the lighter, which were taken from Freya had.
"we believe in the ignition?" She asked hopefully.
"Mm. But not inside, or I'll kill Stella! We take a walk, right?"
Finn nodded, slipped on her jacket, and fastened under at Aki. The snow fell in thick flakes, you could barely see his hand before his eyes. She lit a sparkler and watched the showers of sparks that burned up already in the air. She wanted to take several at once, because they burned down so quickly. She was urged to go further because they are the people rushing by encouraging them to pave their way with her elbow. They strolled through the streets, happy sparklers abfackelnd. Aki held her suddenly and pointed upward. A powerful, of mistletoe tied bow and both the midst of them. Actually, a wonderful excuse. She smiled slightly nervous, then he leaned forward and kissed her so here. She liked it, but it was too soon, like a breath of air. She had to say what she was tormented for so long and robbed her of sleep.
"I love you," she murmured, looking waiting for his reaction to his inscrutable eyes.
She was scared. Afraid that something could happen as then. Or thereafter. Aki smiled and ran down her cheek tenderly.
"Ditto," his voice was a soft whisper in her ear chased her shiver down the spine.
you knew that she did the right thing, that he would not hurt. It was good. His lips were velvety soft, they felt his heat, as they met hers. Finn wrapped an arm around him and pulled him even closer to him. Suddenly, there was no more cold, no time, no stopping. The moment seemed endless, but he was one. They also noticed not want the people around them had started to clap and whistle. In the front row of the crowd that had formed around the two, there was a girl, blue-black hair hidden under an Inca hat. She smiled and applauded, then to move on to a shrill whistle. Your intuition she had not abandoned, they had since she had seen Aki for the first time, knew that they would somehow manage. She pressed Michael's hand tenderly. In the end they all belonged together, Grandmother-Will is their heaven. Nock bent down to her and blew her a kiss on the forehead. It was wonderful ... and it was Christmas.

Friday, December 23, 2005

How Should I Oil My Rawlings Pro Preferred Glove

psychodollz @ 2005-12-23T12: 45:00

Nevin stood before the mirror and chewing on her lower lip. It smelled of chemicals. Finn to the last strand of a brush with blue color, and nodded approvingly.
Done waiting! Only and then you're smart and sprightly for Christmas! "
"Yeah. Your sister is not practical at home, right? Sweet!" Nevins towel was her almost sheer giggles slipped from her shoulders.
"Mm. Shall I cut the pony yet?"
"Sure, but just as beautiful wrong like last time, that looked so daring, I was at the hairdresser then yes, but do not get the point!"
"Because no one as good as I verkatscht hair ... Madame, if you take your place on the bathtub?"
"How do you do, miss. How come that such a pretty lady does not already exist in your old age?"
"Hard luck. The natural fear of the black widow," Finn giggelte straight on.
"American Möschter you imagine a man for whom you are throwing all your resolutions on board - he comes in exactly 20 minutes and by then I will be ready, "
" Certainly, Madame. Otherwise no money for my illegitimate son - Eberhard-Noel is the way 12 "
" But you're only 28, Miss! Oh, I feel so dizzy, I think I am, "Nevin tipped in a played powerlessness in the tub.

The tea was boiling in the massive pot on the warmer, Nevin said in the last home-made cookies. The little fir tree in the window shone and was hung with dull, dark red balls. You could hear the key in the door, then heavy footsteps. Only two snow figures stood in the living room.
"Hi honey!" Nock Nevin was affectionately in the arms and missed her a hearty greeting kiss.
Aki took off his jacket and looked at Finn undecided.
"Hi," she murmured and smiled slightly absent. "Uh, sit down yet!"
He grinned and sat down opposite her.
"How's your finger?" She asked sympathetically and tipped him a tea.
"Very good, just alittle bit red," he showed her the cut.
Nevin winked at her and smiled encouragingly. The two were so clumsy as you just might be. At the point she had her friend Aki addressed long ago, but she knew how nice he was. But yes, they had Michael and who was her dear a lot.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Sandra Bullock Jesse James Affair

psychodollz @ 2005-12-22T17: 25:00

The Langers saw every few minutes on the clock. The cake was on the table, waiting to be touched. Everyone was excited, Freya had agreed that her new friend and Nevin would come for coffee. The latter was a bit more and made eingetrudelt now useful with Finn in the kitchen.
"That has to be really something quite serious, if Daria now imagine your parents," she said, counting out the cutlery.
"She talks of practically nothing else ... really scary, but kinda cute!" Agreed her at Finn. "Ui, here they come!"
The bell rang at the door, Mrs. Langer los rushed to open. Nevin grinned and shook his head.
"Curious, we're not, we always woolen know everything!"

Daria kissed goodbye Freya.
"Did you mean ... I went there? My parents are always n little weird, right?" The redhead asked jittery.
"Of course. It was perfect, your family is so nice! You make me go home?"
Freya smiled and nodded, then they made their way through the snow. The hands intertwined, they strolled through the streets, passing under decorated trees. In front of a dingy-white-painted building were they stand, the home of Daria. With her father she had not endured since her mother was cut off. Moreover, their apartment was very cozy, most neighbors were quite tolerable. You put the key into the lock.
"Are you still high?"
The staircase was completely'verseucht graffiti-', however, equipped not only with text, but also with pictures. The railing was shaky, probably not acceptable, the steps echoed. Daria lived on the top floor, where all the smells started.
"over there is just the floor," she said, smiling. "Almost no one will be junk in there. Is almost forgotten, all in the basement. I have my hammock up there ... . And my books "
" Can we short time high "
" Sure, but in winter it is extremely cold - no heating. I have n couple of blankets on top. "
Rustic wooden beams that supported the ceiling, divided the long room off to tenants, lonely bulbs donated faint light, which, like ghost fingers danced over the objects. Daria had many works, a chair seemed quite out of cheap to insist romance novels.
trash, "she murmured to explain." I was thirteen when I've read the past. Then they are just flying through the area until I glued it. "

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Air Hogs Buy Aero Ace

psychodollz @ 2005 - 12-21T13: 59:00

She was happy. Although it was To top things off in a completely white room, but she had finally got her cast down. Instead, it was now only one association that was so far not a hindrance. The doctor had given her a spiced, they could certainly play with the injured arm and was immediately destroyed. It adopted a friendly and left the dreary doctor's office. Outside the snow fell, but were larger ice particles here. They strolled through the streets, lights were hung in the trees. You could smell Christmas already, it was within reach. Some businesses were trying to outdo each other with the kitsch in their shop windows, she shook her head. Who already wanted a purple-clad Santa Claus, could sing the Jingle Bells? She put the plug their MP3 sticks in his ears and went on his way home. Freya would probably encounter little that was back in Daria. Had to be really amazing, the girl. And Nevin was with some distant relatives on the golden wedding. Finn alone in Town. Where they should point to and no one was home? Short decided they took the road to Aki. Should not he be there, there were several other aunt in his environment.

He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.
"It's nice that you came by, I quickly make us tea, waiting for you up there?"
She nodded and walked up the stairs. His room looked almost exactly like a few days ago, just little things had changed. She drove through the T-shirt he had left unattended on the chair. It smelled pleasantly of him, she felt well. Aki balancing a tray through the chaos. A smile crept on her face. He swayed, his feet had become entangled in a bag. The cups were smashed and overturned with a loud clatter on the floor, splinters flew through the room. She closed her eyes instinctively to protect himself. The hot tea was spread over the tiles, she looked up. Time aufzuklauben the fragments and wipe the floor. Finn ran into the bathroom and took a towel, then helped him clean up the shattered previous cups.
"So, all gone," murmured, Aki satisfied and went to his words to paint over the spot.
A sharp splinter lodged itself in his finger, he cried out. She took his hand and examined the newly created wound.
"Wait, I pull him out," she whispered.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Applying Problem To Jype Online Audition

psychodollz @ 2005-12-20T13: 38:00

Freya looked at herself in the shop window. Her auburn hair was pinned up with numerous, small clips, only a few curls hanging down. Finn had left them on the whole, as it was, only emphasizes the lips with clear gloss. With a whispered "What the heck?" She entered the small, stylish cafe. They first had to get used to the dim lighting, to discover the black-haired. Reluctantly she went to the black lacquered table.
"Nice to see you again," Daria muttered and offered her a chair.
She looked adorable, her black rimmed eyes twinkled mysterious. The midnight blue corset flattered her body, the followers of their chain gleamed in the candle light up briefly. A waiter approached and asked for the order.
"A hot chocolate and a piece of bee sting", chose Freya and smiled.
far, everything went well.
"Two, please!" Ordered Daria and grabbed the hand of others.
Light shocks seemed to rush through her body, one could Air hear crackling formally.

Finn waited on her when she entered the room.
"And how was your 'get together'?" She asked in stirred and dragged her to the bed. "How is that?"
Freya satisfied closed his eyes.
"Heavenly! She was so sweet, you know straight out quite different than Marie, sometimes a little gruff, but always beautiful, anything behind the back, so ..."
"Perfect! When you see you again?"
"we have not yet been determined. You just leave, does ne apprenticeship as a bookseller. I'll just take a look at the store, I think."
"Are you now actually be together?"
"do not know .... I'd do it to me already! "
Finn smiled knowingly, and seemed satisfied. Finally, they wanted to not be squeezed. Radioed it was so obvious.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Why Is Big Boobs Attractive

psychodollz @ 2005-12-19T14: 18:00

Nevin nervously chewed on her pencil. Not much learned math . Zero Check Erin. nightmare. Yes, she had dreamed of having to work with the Ätztypen the class because the teacher found that it would create isolation. And second probably not. That was the reason why for three clock morning was on his feet and looked like freshly dug. Pounding headache followed her and asked her if she would subside, if it is done the next best Wall ran. The numbers on the white paper were evil, they terrorized them with new and abstruse approaches, which they rejected a few minutes later. She squinted to Freya, between them a single table was free as a precautionary measure. Her friend wrote diligently, but they would need binoculars to read it on the distance to. Her head was as completely empty, all the formulas they had learned painfully, had quietly stolen out of her head. She glanced at her watch. Twenty minutes and she knew that she would not think of anything more. Resigned, she lay on the table, yawning. Then she would sleep stop, at some point they would find a doctor who allowed her to have a math deficiency. It had again become warmer, snow trickled out to the floor. But all this did not help to cheer Nevin. What they needed was silence, darkness. Maybe a nice dream. To be specific: A lot of sleep.

Freya kicked around in front of the closet and lasted until her sister found out about this.
"What s the matter?" She asked anxiously, and put the adhesive side.
"Hab tomorrow n Date," mumbled the other, and blushed.
! Oi And you do not know what you should wear - do not you or I right? "
"As always, perfectly correct."
Finn jumped up and started in to dig in wardrobe. Finally she held up a white blouse and black skirt.
"Oh and since I freezing my butt off and did not, but I do not," thundered Freya.
"No, because you as namely n black top and ring-pull over knees under it," she explained patiently.
"And shoes?"
"Hmm ... we have the dark red with the many buckles to?"
"Sure. But they go together at all?"
"Absolutely. And I make your way around tomorrow, you can bet your life on it!"
Freya nodded happily. With the talent in art could only be something good come out! But she was excited of course, still, after all, it was the first (Wannabe) date with Daria. She also did not know whether they even got along with each other. In any event, the girl had made a thoroughly pleasant impression. She nodded, which earned her a confused look of Finn, which was trying to hang the clothes to clean on a hanger. However, she lost her balance and tipped forward against the cabinet.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Application Letter For Nurse Trainees Sample

psychodollz @ 2005-12-18T13: 18:00

Sunday, quarter past eight in Germany. To be exact, in a small, unadorned church. crushed with a number of senior citizens in a bank considered the three girls brought the dark paint that is already peeled from the wood. Her parents were sitting right behind them, they were also the reason why they were staying here and not blissfully slumbered. The third Advent ought to be reason enough, they said, now go back to the temple because they were certainly not been there since her confirmation. Freya played absently with the colored bands of their hymnal, while Finn dreamed again to himself. Nevin was the only one left, thoroughly satisfied impression. This could be because they had the last chewing gum with menthol, although the others were begging for the shares. Through the window fell into the eyes piksendes light that competes with the white candles next to the altar. Freya leaned against the black hair and purred softly. She wanted to leave, everything looked so sterile. Nevin took her Hand and pressed it lightly, she was not particularly well, though it well hidden. Moreover, it was an unreasonable demand that the church began to eight clock. She stepped lightly on the bench. Toll, the heater was in the bucket. Happy Day.

Auntie meetings, the last of its kind before Christmas. Other events of the members of unofficial and not perpetuated in the diary. Nevin had cooked about four liters of tea in advance, which she now cheerfully distributed. One or the other they ruffled through his hair, but returned again and again to Nock. Night was not in it this time because the next day regular school was a test and decency. Still had quite a few blankets to delve into the they snuggled. The colorful candles that were everywhere in the room supported the romance yet, unlike yesterday in the Church. Freya sat cross-legged, a heavy, old book in her lap. Her gentle voice reassured and reminded them of the time when they were young, and had their parents read them fairy tales. Finn smiled dreamily and lay down on Aki's lap. So safe it could be their view forever. He drove through her auburn hair and listened to the words of her sister, who carried them all to distant countries.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Firewire Ethernet Adapter

psychodollz @ 2005-12 - 17T11: 43:00

little special: Wallpaper + Pics
MfG Psycho-Hamster

you stepped out of the shower, as a Finn like crazy at the door pounding. She quickly grabbed a towel and went out into the hallway.
"Your Cell Phone! Used Hab ne eternity until I've found between the whole paraphernalia. There!" Her sister turned around and went back into the room.
Freya pressed the green phone.
"This is Daria ... The last of the park, you know?"
"Um, yes. What's up?"
"I want to ask you if we can meet somewhere ... on some coffee or something. What's your name anyway?" She giggled.
"Freya. Wow, that is nice ... Do you have time Tuesday? "
" Should go. Let's say half past two in 'Amadeus'? Until then, "Daria
already had hung up. She smiled and leaned against the door. She had a date! Okay, maybe not really, but it looked like that! She looked in the mirror and a whole piece felt much better.

Nevin shrink did not consider the willing ball of wool with contempt. she had no need, pah! The part could do what it wanted! you threw her knitting in the corner. Okay, they had toned it to be able to knit gloves. Had they even sometimes skillfully, fourth in the class but wanted to. Why Leonie just now as a Christmas gift? This went on but not! She heard footsteps on the stairs. Her mother was not, she also worked on Saturdays. Perhaps Francis. Sure, he wanted to rob the house because he thought that nobody was there! Simply: There was not much to get. Thank God it was only Nock, who embraced her affectionately. She sighed contentedly and snuggled up to him. Saturday, alone in the house and Michael. If the times do not fit well together! Nevin gently nibbled on his ear and drew from him a pleasant growl. Because of you could now stop the time, they had Nock forever for themselves. His warm hand had slipped under her T-shirt, she closed her eyes with pleasure.
"Uhmm ... How do I get such a good deed?" squeezed them out.
"You talk too much," Michael whispered and closed her lips with his.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Game The Resetta Stone

psychodollz @ 2005-12-16T14: 06:00

Freya looked at her anxiously.
"Where were you yesterday?" You know that Freya does not mean it, she said it ... It is just very dynamic! You do not know what we have done for us worried about you! "
Finn chopped around on their rubber, as if he were to blame for the questioning.
"When Aki ... I mean, he has found me more or less - I think." Quietly, she added. "You makes you much about me you have to mother me, I can take care of me, right?"
"I know Finn, I know. But it is easy too much has happened that we all can not forget. - You're actually with him, "Nevin asked curiously
She blushed and looked at the floor
.." Yes. But we are friends. Especially as I currently do not think about a relationship. Is simply not an issue, you know? "
Nevin nodded, although she absolutely nothing of understood what Finn wanted pennant her. She sighed and began to math to write. They had not even the empathy of Freya, which is that of a tea strainer possible.

you could be frustrated fall on the park bench, clutching the book set. If they had any relationship they had to at least give a good amount of heartache. She was not her sister, she could live on air and love, and to be suitable. Just the love was not currently looking. Since lard was exactly right, but not just pulp fiction. If you already bought something, then you had to properly throw money out the window, otherwise it was not worth yes. The Internet also provided some opportunities, but that was without Wi-Fi is not available everywhere. A manga a day keeps the doctor away, philosophy of Freya Langer. She herself could not even leave their own theme in the lurch so she sat all alone on a cold park bench. The street lamp next to her gave light, the sky was clear because of the cold, at night you would see the stars. But for all she had no eyes, only reading was important right now. She took a sip from a thermos flask, which she had created just before. Here it was quiet, no one would disturb them. They delved into the book.
a petite figure approached almost silent, stood before her.
"What you read there?"
Freya woke up and almost threw her reading in the snow.
"Does nothing to you," she growled and played so their nervousness.
She underwent the person a more detailed survey. The girl was about 1.56 m tall, her dyed black hair stuck out in all directions. Her large gray eyes sparkled in amusement, looked really very nice.
"And, you've stared at me long enough?" She fished out the book from Freya's hand. "Mm ... Manga. I do not read the dignity of kitsch. Just as you look like you're not standing on pink-hearts-kitsch, right?" Asked the girl boldly.
The redhead grinned.
". No - I usually can not have my book back?"
"Only if I have to get your mobile number!"
Freya grumbled a little less nice dictated, but then the number column. A little later, she held her hand again in the manga, the girl was running away.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Eggwhite Cervical Mucus Tinged With Blood

psychodollz @ 2005-12-15T14: 43:00

Nine days to Christmas. Everywhere the smell of fresh pine branches and resin, cookies and Cinnamon. Those who still had not finished tunnel would also bake any more, because that this tasted really good, he had to take two weeks have elapsed. Finn was sitting on a bar stool and watched her friends as they made chocolate bread. The cast smacked rejoice in his water on the stove in front of him, while the dough was still in the oven.
"Perfect timing," she mumbled and sipped her tea.
"Make it better!" Snapped Freya, who was particularly bad mood today.
Finn was offended to the ground. She would like to help them yes, but with the broken arm she was just another burden on them.
"I walk ... I'll go, yes? Just call me when you're done ... Or me back here have wanted! "With these words she withdrew from the kitchen.
Outside was sad there, the sky was gray and overcast. The snow crunched beneath her shoes and shone in the light of the streetlamps. She did not know where they wanted to go, strolled aimlessly through the channels. At some point they simply sat down on the frozen sidewalk.

Aki looked again thoughtfully out the window when he spotted the small figure sitting outside in the cold on the curb, down the arms wrapped around the body. The red-blond hair glistened in the neon light. He rushed down the stairs out the door, slid into socks to the plates and braked in front of her from.
"Finn, what are you doing here?" Come in, you look so fetch the death! "
She looked at him confused, but obediently got up and followed him into the house. He pressed a cup of hot coffee in his hand and threw the kettle on.
"I'll make you ne hot water bottle, then you will quickly warm again, okay?"
She nodded and dropped on a chair. The door opened, Stella came into the room.
"Aki, you know that you are the candles shall not start when you leave the room - oops, whom have we here?"
Finn turned red. While his sister with an evil look thoughtful, the kettle began to whistle. Now that had He slept a bit. Stella grinned and winked at her.
"Oh, then I leave you alone sometimes. But not in the kitchen, yes?"
Aki rolled her eyes and gave Finn the hot water bottle.
"My sister. Nunmal It is so, one can change that. Gingerbread?" He muttered apologetically.
"Certainly. As bad as I find they do not," said Finn, and smiled at him.
There it was again, the Jazz Dance Group, which was since he met her for the first time, a special tour organized across his stomach. He put a basket of gingerbread and biscuits on the table and sat down.
"du .. Are Still angry? Because back then, I mean" he asked, softly.
in the early Moment when he made that statement, it seemed to him stupid. They probably not even wanted to be friends with him, so stupid he had behaved. She hesitated.
"Um, no, I'm not," she almost whispered. "Should I?"

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Famous People With Kawasaki Disease

psychodollz @ 2005-12-14T14: 57:00

Wednesday, the day of hope asserted, Freya, anyway. Finn was missing, she had wrecked her cast yesterday and now a doctor at the neck. Nevin enjoying himself again with paper balls, Goal: George. However, the success rate was not particularly high and the set square was already suspicious cracks. Freya leaned down to her bag and dug around a bit. The teacher looked at her reproachfully.
"Miss Langer, what exactly are you looking for? Buy
shot hostile thoughts through her head. The 'lady', he could have saved himself, and he had it anyway on the Kieker.
"I am looking for my calculator," she replied sweetly.
"I do not think you need a calculator in History, Freya!"
"So, Ken has a handkerchief in the bank, one need not even in the art, no?"
The class had now set to work and watched them all interested. Finally something exciting in the classroom! You could see the wheels literally inside the teacher's work, which was scarlet.
"Long lasting, since after the hour. Detention in the Directorate and a reference proposed for-uh-fault, exactly, "
Freya in her homework book to a page that carried the beautiful name of 'misconduct' and organized as follows was:
indeed contributed date teacher punishment
Justified Then today encountered disagreements with the teacher, and smiled coyly.

Nevin bit into one of the giant gingerbread, which were sold on the market. They were standing at one of the many booths and reviewed the charges in this case, candles in the most common variations had. Seller a battery-powered recorder set up, from the tasteless music tootled. She decided to choose as quickly as possible, to escape the horror.
"Moin, I would like two of the bright blue with the silver one with orange and yellow .... That's all," she explained the leather suspenders.
"three eighty!" Snapped back this unfriendly.
Nevin looked at him angrily.
"If you can always bitching about your customers so you can quickly make tight ... And your candles to keep you happy! Has got me to send you to step on their toes", she hissed at the bald-headed. Then she went
rapid step to the next level, the mulled wine sold and ordered. The stuff she calmed a bit, certainly not perfect. But she could zusaufen's not in broad daylight. Then they had to find another stall containing the candles sold. In Italy she had seen a shop that made the candles themselves. There was even made of wax shaped fairies to buy each one a work of art. However, everything here was puny, but she could not exactly go for a Christmas train to Bardolino. She sighed. Since she had to think about it or not, something else.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Continental Baking Company Fruit Cake Tin

psychodollz @ 2005-12-13T16: 03:00

Finn cuddled by her.
"Our Nevin is now 16 years," she sang merrily and as-Freya was totally wrong.
was then the traditional delivery of gifts including paper-of-the-pitch area and cut cake. The other students, meanwhile also on the girls become aware, introduced themselves to the good of congratulations. That the teacher already stood for five minutes and tried to get pure reason, has been studiously ignored. Nevin cuddled the stuffed moose, while Freya ever lit the candles. In the meantime agreed to the self-appointed class choir at a birthday song, backed by guitar riffs from a disc man with boxing. Conducted with Finn in single-arm condition to sing without exception. The teacher jumped frustrated through the class room and tore his hair bright anyway. When this force all his principles went overboard, as he had to be persuaded at all to teach here? Since one should even threats require a supplement! After all, he had already flown to New Year's Eve Pops, the ears, with another birthday, mind you. He would stay here like the tin soldier, hold the line and wait for his retirement. Or sink containing a faithful servant of the school, then it would honor the Directorate but sure death and put a death announcement in the newspaper. As long as he had to endure it but still. Sparklers wielding teenager danced past him, one he also expressed a spark in sparkling part of the hand. Well, once he'd still play. Nothing could happen, right?

munching cake they strolled through the playground, while their classmates with Santa Claus hats and flashing lights armed prozessionierte after them. Ceremonial dig up the box was announced on the school garden. Their 'treasure' had already dug in the fifth grade for the first time and every birthday he was brought out again. Even then she had already had an eye for the insane, maybe not quite as pronounced as for now, but still.
"We have come together to salvage our well-known, notorious, hot, and dearly beloved box!" Opened by Katrina. "Date and needs in their own books to write, additional treasure contenders are to be enclosed!" They nodded in agreement and pulled out
the pins.
"For Madness! Against the law!" Came in chorus.

Monday, December 12, 2005

To Be A Good Man To Grils

psychodollz @ 2005-12-12T14: 36:00

Mike took the Edding and winked at her, and then to sign swinging.
"Now it does not hurt anything, right?" He asked and knocked on the plaster.
"They're OK.'s Just stupid because it's so cold!" Finn muttered with chattering teeth.
was to break his arm during the winter for them pretty much the worst thing ever because you had to wear tops. However, the whole thing had an advantage: you had to and could write anything and could see everywhere. Sport was dead anyway. Finally she once had all the time to sink into her daydreams. She bit into the gingerbread the Nevin had brought with her. So bad she was not yet! However, there was already a topic, they should very much: Why was Aki been there? Since the fateful walk in the park but they could barely see in the eyes. She was humming to himself to calm down. Surely it was only pure coincidence, he had passed spontaneously, one hundred per cent. And he had been waiting for Nevin to them. A miracle that Freya had it demolished not just the head. She sighed softly and looked at the clock. Twenty minutes and no end in sight!

Finn threw himself upon the table of chocolate air. Happy watching them munching Nevin, hopped the front of the glass up and down. Ha, who sits on the bus, should not throw with words! Because even her cell phone rang.
"What, huh?"
"You have not said goodbye to me!"
"Tragic! But I no longer go out."
"Woah, how nasty is that? Why?" Nevin said indignantly.
"Heating, seating need you more?"
"Then I invite you just do not come to my birthday party!"
"Did you do now. Too bad for you!"
"The fact that you have to make me always so ready!"
"But I'm here!"
"Well then, Ciao, see you tomorrow!"
"You see, hear or write it!"
"spinning on, Finn!"
"Sure, you Baller-Ina!"
"Bye ... See you later, alligator!"
She stuffed the phone back awkwardly into the pocket. The plastered arm cost them really nervous, probably would notice soon to be her crazy behavior, and they would soon end up in the loony bin. But there was indeed a consolation: if, then Nevin and Freya were just ripe for the institution closed!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Numbness And Pain In Left Hand And Arm

psychodollz @ 2005-12-11T15: 22:00

Third Advent, especially a very cold. Aki leaned against the shock-frosted trees and warmed his fingers on the bottle of tea that he had taken. He felt kind of cheap, as he stood there and stared across. The ice shimmered in the dim light, the schmaltzy music tootled from the speakers. The three girls had put on their skates and danced now more or less ladylike mirror-smooth over the surface. Finn laughed about something that Nevin had shouted at her in passing, their voices echoed up to him. He bit his bottom lip. Was it something like a stalker? No, he wanted to see just root out the mistake he had committed. Her auburn hair blowing as she changed direction. Suddenly, everything happened very quickly: The blade flashed, jammed in the ice. A surprised cry came from her mouth, she rowed with the poor. He started running, jumped over the limit. As if in slow motion he saw her fall, addressed the horrors wide eyes at him. He wanted to catch them speeding.
Just then she opened it and he was completely helpless. Seconds later, he knelt beside her, bent over her.
? Finn Hey, come on "
" I Aki - Where does the blood? "
He dabbed her lips gently with a tempo.
"Stop right back on, do not worry. Can you move everything?"
She grimaced.
"My - my right arm does not seem to be all right," she squeezed out.
had now arrived and the other two with them, Freya had already unsheathed their mobile phones.
"... yes, the gladioli-place, the ice surface. When?" Thanks, " she hung up. "Do not worry, Sis, you're almost there!"
Finn Aki looked worried and absent-mindedly stroked her hair from her face. She closed her eyes appreciatively and although it looked at what they had for pain, they did not make a sound on its own. They heard the sirens, the noise was getting louder. Then slammed doors, paramedics rushed to them. The girl was placed on a stretcher to the car, Freya accompanied her.

Nevin took a sip of apple tea and looked at him thoughtfully. They were landed at Seifert, warm in her room.
"Why were you there?" She asked briskly.
"I know ... I'm not! Bin passed by chance"
". Not even your own grandmother thought you would decrease the why you followed us this time -? Me Do not look so on, I know you do it, am not blind!"
Aki stared at his hands. Since someone had seen through him well.
"That's my business, yes?" Snapped he.
"All right, all right, I find it's not bad that you worry about it ... but Freya can be very abusive, since then she has every reason to be ... biscuits?"
Aki nodded enter. For the time being they were not allowed to Finn, because they were not relatives. Via a phone message, they could also not be happy because cell phones were banned in the hospital. Both were nervous, always saw back on the clock. At last the bell rang at the door.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Patricia Nimocks Clear Acrylic Sealer Miniature

psychodollz @ 2005-12-10T13: 38:00

last weekend! Finn snuggled in a thick blanket and sighed contentedly. Many people were quite confused when she saw her bed, which was largely because they umpteen pillows, hot water bottles, etc. needed. The sunlight was prevented thanks to the blinds, into the room to shine and prevent it not so in the blessed slumber. However, there was a problem: Freya, her character early riser. Even if she tried not to wake her sister and not the light turns on, she had what it guarantees. Against something that is always the girl ran, which brought suppressed screams of pain with it. She stretched and rubbed his eyes. Slowly they should perhaps get up, it smelled after lunch. Mrs. Long it could absolutely do not suffer if they then still in pajamas and was quite out of the clothes looked slept through. Nice swinging the legs out of bed and on next path to the bathroom.

Nevin distributed blankets to the other gay aunt, pointing to the colorful pillows on the floor.
"Sit still! Tea and cups on the table. Hot water bottles are prepared on demand. Today we read 'Marsha Mellow and Me' by Maria Beaumont!"
Aki looked carefully over to Finn. At this very moment their eyes met, he turned away quickly. His fingers clutched around the cup, some tea spilled over his hands. He cursed quietly and took a sip, and he burned his lips. Today was really his lucky day! Freya closed his eyes. She would not be jealous, but she felt a burning pain when she saw Nevin and Nock.
since October, to be exact since Halloween, she was now single. It hurt to see that others were so happy together. Marie could not have picked a better day can to leave. They were both out at a party, then it was suddenly. The rest of the evening, she could see her former dance with their new flame. The little vampire had wept sweet tears of glass.
Suddenly there was a hand that stroked her cheek. Freya blinked. Knelt before her, Lola, the large brown eyes opened wide.
"All right, 'she whispered, and ruffled her hair.
"Do not you?"
"Think so."
"Well then."
Lola put an arm around her and smiled.
"Do not worry about cash, yes?"

Friday, December 9, 2005

Novelty Id, Niagara Falls

psychodollz @ 2005-12-09T14: 23:00

Friday, probably the best day to Saturday. Moreover, served with a delicate shell powder. A wonderful morning when the trees were still covered with a layer of frost and the sunlight sparkled mysteriously. Everything would have been so wonderful to have the School administration not made the tenth grade for the Christmas party responsible. They sat bored in the auditorium and listened to more or less concentrated the proposals of the nerds. Finn dawned comfortable in front of him, had switched to sleep mode and got to do with even a Fitzel.
Nevin jittery leaned over to Freya: "Do you think he will jump over his shadow?"
"No idea. He was quite clear, even if he tells us absolutely nothing ... wait and drink tea diligently as care for the aunt to say!"
"We really embarrassed! Standing there and know not what shall we say!"
"Yeah! And also the thing with Stella! How could I know because can see that she is his sister? Arg was the embarrassing! "Mumbled Freya and buried her face in her hands." Heat 'n wonder if Aki would we open at all times the door! "
Finn had returned from the land of dreams, what the other two might have suggested, the facts are based on can be
"Did I miss something?" she mumbled sleepily
head shaking
"Well then - meal"....

Nevin snuggled up to Nock His long black hair and dark eyes had earned him the nickname of the 'Nox' also 'Night' derived. Nevertheless, they called him dear Michael, because it just looked familiar. For nearly three months, they had now been together for them a true record performance. They looked far too rare, as Nock studied in the nearest city philosophy.
And then they were also met: Each with a beer bottle in his hand on the steps of a house sitting in the place was probably the worst party of the year. They had come loose and had to talk to talk about God and the world. Finally had Nock, he was the gentleman, offered her his leather jacket when it was late and cold. Still philosphierend they had gone to Seifert's home, had brought a bottle of wine from the cellar and the conversation continued in the kitchen. Eventually, it was so late that Michael could not possibly return to the city because the last train had already left. And so he was staying on the sofa and had reported the next morning sick call. Leonie was pretty shocked when she had come from the layer, but had calmed down with a cup of hot grape juice again. Nevin then brought the punk of her heart to the station, certainly not without letting go his mobile number through their fingers.
She smiled and kissed Nock demanding. How beautiful life was!

Thursday, December 8, 2005

Perfume Roller Ball Forum

psychodollz @ 2005-12-08T14: 21:00

Freya Nevin ruffled by the blue-black colored Hair.
"Finally back on Air! Heard again of what Nock?"
"His name is Michael, right? Oi, it was yesterday just because, my mother set with flowers out of action! She was taken aback, you know, cursing's otherwise more about 'my little friends." Not even Francis has managed to just to meet their tastes - yellow, long-stemmed roses with ivy She has not said a word against him, "Nevin told thrilled!.
Finn smiled. Here, at school, she was wearing her school uniform - if also decorated with safety pins. Finally, their learning institution was the example par excellence, which pointed out that generalization did well. Apart of the girls who cut their skirts forever to them to let as girdles and the snobs who managed to mysteriously to wear their 'normal', super-expensive clothes without getting turned up a reference.
"You have to melt over your neck once again, you did your sweetheart said the same?" Quipped Freya and gasped as she was for it pricked by Nevin in the stomach.
"I have a friend at least - unlike certain other people - but I will not even look!"
"Meier has' copied ne Ex learn! All hands!" Bernard shouted by the class. As inconspicuously
. But at least, the emerging Dispute nipped in the bud. Then stop again quickly repeat everything, even if it did nothing ...

Freya turned back onto the teapot warmer and helped himself to cookies. Finn had this afternoon, because she had a 14-day option, so is the other two had moved to Seifert.
know, "you still, Tuesday in the Park? Then Auntie Lisbeth was full of funny, she has once again ... Dads has grown old clothes. Do you think Aki has ...?"
"I do not know. I trust it to him simply not to ... He was so nice and all, looked as if they were really like," muttered Nevin and nibbled on a Burton.
Did "you think we could talk to him? Maybe he will say what was wrong! "
" Sure. But Finn, we can bring bad is it? "
" Then we go now! Do not argue! "
And they step sparkled to the house by the Auntie meeting had recently taken place. Thank God someone was there, so they had to wait in the freezing cold. A young woman opened a maximum of two month old baby ..? arm Freya's eyes narrowed to slits Had he called up another friend so irresponsible he could not be, just smiled as the father of such a small child and forced
Nevin said: "We want to Aki!"
" stairs up and over the nose - I am the way, Stella! "
They stormed up the stairs and burst into the room. The 17-year-old was sitting at the window and stared out away in the white powdered landscape. When he heard them, he startled.
" Args! Man, me 's torn full! "He grumbled and slumped on his bed.
" I hope so too! "Snorted Freya and was plop down beside him." What. Hast. You. With. My. Sister. ? Made "
Aki raised his hands:" Hey, what we go at all - always stay loose, Auntie Else "
" You just ran away Tuesday! And then Finn was, well, funny. You - did not particularly talked a lot with us - especially not about you. "concluded Nevin
He folded his arms behind his head and stared at her
." And from this it concludes that it has to do with me? "he murmured softly." Too bad ... "

Wednesday, December 7, 2005

How Can I Tell My Friend's Jersey Size?

psychodollz @ 2005-12-07T15: 32:00

Freya saw her sister with concern.
" What's wrong with you? "she asked gently.
Finn pulled himself up on the window ledge and clasped her legs. They were in the toilet, but exceptionally in the break and not the hours. Nevin was not released today, she had a cold and had to watch her little bed.
"Are you so just because nothing is"
Finn nodded sadly.
"Why was Aki yesterday so suddenly no longer there? "Said Freya research.
Her sister had turned away looking out the window. She would tell anyone what happened yesterday happened, and certainly not her sister. If Nevin there, then she might ?. make a few comments, but as she shook her head wearily Exactly, slept, she had the night's not even what their mood, of course, immensely let up fast
'I Do' s proposal. We go to the lunch break to Giovanni drink, are in cappuccino and eat 'a trifle, I'll pay it! "
" Okay, talk about! "Finn jumped from the window seat and followed her sister out in the freezing cold.

They were finally back at home. Freya watched her sister, who again wore a sweater the old drawing of her father and was on the floor, thinking. They had taken nearly three months to get used to it, to hide in a lot of great clothes. Aki had about trying? She would have to urgently speak with Nevin, is best when they had overcome the cold. But that could take first ...
"What do you paint that?" Freya asked, looking over her shoulder.
"calendar. The most part I've already prepared, I need only stick. Do you think that Nevin is pleased to be?"
"Of course you what did? I but still the chocolate-banana ¹ Sencha from Aunty Primrose! ! I do now gonna be a pot of, after all, we are absolute tea connoisseur.
Finn nodded approvingly
"I stick to just have the flowers, then I have done," she exulted

¹ Quote:. Fine China green tea with a wonderfully creamy chocolate and banana flavor.

Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Milena Velba's Body Cast

psychodollz @ 2005-12-06T13: 56:00

The show was pretty boring for teenagers and they were very glad when they left the museum again.
"Does anyone know what today is for 'n day "asked Finn happy and hopping on and off like a rubber ball.
" Niko-Klaus, "said Freya excited between two lung trains.
"Yes, yes, but only Christmas market, then steal the boots!" Nevin rightly dismissed the two siblings turned up.
And so they walked happily through the deep snow of the first booths. The first compounds were purchased from a sweet candy, and then comfortably stroll to the truth. Woman of the world needs to do even Christmas gifts. Freya nudged her sister laughing in the side so that bumping the other people and fell. Immediately began to complain loudly to the bystanders, but as the youth was messed up today, but to help her with the idea no one came.
"Have you hurt yourself?", A hand reached to her to pull herself up.
Finn recognized the voice: It was Aki. She pushed her feet in the snow and stood up.
"Thank you, but you had not actually be in school?" She asked cautiously.
Nevin gave her a reproachful look. No, punks you kindly asked not to something like that!
"'Actually,' yes, but I did today 'sore throat', I want to stop time to go on 'n the market, or I'm simply not the time!"
"I get my sweet savior on one 's cup of mulled wine!" Decided Finn and she went to the shop.
"And then we go to the park!" Trumpeted Freya.

They strolled through the icy paths, away from the hustle and bustle. On the green areas the snow was still untouched, which the girls brought to ever-new joy storms. Meanwhile she had left the large, wrought-iron gate behind him and walked through an alley. The old trees could be no sunlight through the dense needles penetrate. Freya and Nevin went after the large, grassy area, and merrily raged through the white splendor. Finn smiled and leaned against a pine tree.
"They are like little children," she murmured. "So fragile, everything."
Aki grinned.
"You can tell how much you're hanging on them. You do not want to protect them?"
"Of course. Why did you really come to the Christmas market?" She asked softly.
"Because I wanted to see you again" he murmured.
Aki kissed her gently on the mouth before he ran quickly away. Finn wanted to call him, withdraw it, but no word came from her lips. She sighed softly.

Monday, December 5, 2005

Is It Illegal To Have A Bulletproof Vest In Ca

psychodollz @ 2005-12-05T14: 48:00

Freya twisted her face and uttered a low cry. Finn, who was in the booth next to her, rose to the toilet and looked over to her.
"Everything okay with you?"
"Well did, I just met," she went on the sore elbow. "But it 's done it again!"
"Are you ready then?"
Finn sighed and went into the anteroom, where Nevin was waiting. Freya finally joined them and they made their way. It was quite cold, the snow powdery. According to the description, the Rock had given them, he lived not far from the school, therefore they should be here soon. Nevin pointed to an approximately 20-year-old house.
"There it is! Come on, girls, do not represent the last meters still limp!"
Freya gasped shocked and poked it into the page. Finn bounced once before and rang the bell tower, finally, they needed a fitting reception. You could hear the approaching footsteps, then the door was opened. A tall boy stood at the seventeen in the frame, the apple-green colored hair tousled wildly. He looked at her as if she were an apparition from space.
"Um ... They are back there Nevin and Freya, my sister. Sorry, I'm Finn, "she stammered in front of him.
" Aki. Come in! "
The three girls pushed their way into the narrow hallway and fought their way from their Docs, jackets and Co. were already on a mat, a number of other offenders of different kind
" The rest is up and accessible from the stairs straight ahead! "murmured the Aki and crumbled.
Nevin shrugged his shoulders and led the Twins up happy. you would have needed not sure the description, because only the volume left no doubt where were the other Auntie.

Rock turned the music more quietly, Freya looked at him quizzically.
"It is equal to ten ... Night's sleep. In addition, Aki is the same with cooking done and then there's Ham-Ham, "he explained patiently, rubbed it under his chin.
Freya giggled and poked him in the ribs, Nevin watched, shaking his head from a distance. The house owner Auntie balancing a huge steaming pot in the middle of the room and sat him down.
"Hungarian Goulash for all," said Aki to ten others and let plop down on his pillow. "Incidentally, the auntie knitting club is still looking for more participants are meeting ! always on Friday afternoon at Hero "
all rushed to the first hot meal since - so, when actually lunch but at least not?. yes but they had plundered the approximately 2 kilos chocolate comprehensive stock of the house.
"Ow!" Finn had once again managed to burn the tongue.
Aki turned quickly to her and asked: "Everything okay"
"Um, yes, I think."
Well, Miss Long, you shine so again your eloquence! She bent down quickly on her plate. Nevin Freya winked and grinned.