Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Air Hogs Buy Aero Ace

psychodollz @ 2005 - 12-21T13: 59:00

She was happy. Although it was To top things off in a completely white room, but she had finally got her cast down. Instead, it was now only one association that was so far not a hindrance. The doctor had given her a spiced, they could certainly play with the injured arm and was immediately destroyed. It adopted a friendly and left the dreary doctor's office. Outside the snow fell, but were larger ice particles here. They strolled through the streets, lights were hung in the trees. You could smell Christmas already, it was within reach. Some businesses were trying to outdo each other with the kitsch in their shop windows, she shook her head. Who already wanted a purple-clad Santa Claus, could sing the Jingle Bells? She put the plug their MP3 sticks in his ears and went on his way home. Freya would probably encounter little that was back in Daria. Had to be really amazing, the girl. And Nevin was with some distant relatives on the golden wedding. Finn alone in Town. Where they should point to and no one was home? Short decided they took the road to Aki. Should not he be there, there were several other aunt in his environment.

He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.
"It's nice that you came by, I quickly make us tea, waiting for you up there?"
She nodded and walked up the stairs. His room looked almost exactly like a few days ago, just little things had changed. She drove through the T-shirt he had left unattended on the chair. It smelled pleasantly of him, she felt well. Aki balancing a tray through the chaos. A smile crept on her face. He swayed, his feet had become entangled in a bag. The cups were smashed and overturned with a loud clatter on the floor, splinters flew through the room. She closed her eyes instinctively to protect himself. The hot tea was spread over the tiles, she looked up. Time aufzuklauben the fragments and wipe the floor. Finn ran into the bathroom and took a towel, then helped him clean up the shattered previous cups.
"So, all gone," murmured, Aki satisfied and went to his words to paint over the spot.
A sharp splinter lodged itself in his finger, he cried out. She took his hand and examined the newly created wound.
"Wait, I pull him out," she whispered.


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