Thursday, June 7, 2007

Si Writting Of Malaria

Partnertschaftstest results

Nähe / distanza

Auf our scale 'closeness - distance' you have achieved a high level of expression in the direction nearby. can be positive thing is that you're getting into very different and to bind them and thus give others the feeling that reliably be there for them. You benefit from a partner who puts something even greater value to its independence, a close relationship but definitely appreciate.

sufficiency / supply

On our scale 'self-sufficiency and "supply" of the yield on a medium-high expression in the direction of self-sufficiency. This means that you may be more of a man who reluctantly makes demands of others - that want to be more self-sufficient. Positive thing is that you do not seem to be dependent on others and you can count on you. You benefit from a partner that complements, so a little more stressed the security aspect - but shows the same time not demanding too much from a page.

subordination / dominance

On our scale 'dominance - subordination' of the yield on a medium-high expression in the direction of dominance. You may have some tendency to depend less on other people. On the other hand there are also parts of your 'other side', where it is important to be able to adapt and integrate. You benefit from a partner who complements you, so just a little more - but not too much - stressed the custom side of you.

fate expectations / growth expectations

you are the one group that believes rather less on 'fate' and more to the 'growth' in a relationship. This has been found that those who believe less in the 'determination' and more of their own possibilities of change within a relationship, any disappointments or discrepancies in a partnership rather as a challenge and are especially motivated to work through conflicts.

communication skills

your test score on 'communication skills' is in a rather low range. Perhaps it can be for you in relation to most people sometimes harder to actively reach out to others and your needs and desires clearly to express.


On the scale 'empathy' have you reached a rather high value. This means that you are better than many other people manage to empathize to the object in your. This can be considered a 'bonus' for a successful partnership.

conflict management

your value on the scale 'conflict management' is a rather high range. This means that you are better as many other people manage to resolve conflicts constructively. So it will usually succeed, to be patient or to maintain a required distance in conflict situations.


On the scale 'coping' have you reached a low value. This means that you in relation to most people are more difficult to relax between positive and negative stress to be distinguished and effectively reduce stress.


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