Sunday, May 27, 2007

Small Projector Canada

The world of beauty, to whom it belongs? are (all from all, or much of one?)

What is better ...? Can you ask such question? ... If I already have the idea, it is certainly something that is "better"!


What's better, a cosmopolitan man with a lot of knowledge in all areas of human life, or a narrowly specialized engineering researcher-inventor, a unique artist and a farmer with both feet on the rough ground he works through with his own hands?

all from all, or much of one?

I remember the rhetoric seminar with Ms. psychologist. She put the humanists graduates higher than the human race over such as the kidney Inge.

I am today occurred spontaneously, without that I came to the topic first am: It's entertaining, "all of everything" to be. And despised genuine enthusiasm and Self-thing-man, made small and best left on the sidelines. Thus, the loner have to, with much force and effort so that they get their right to the inventions and their enthusiasm playback in the world. The world of beauty, to whom it belongs?

In Pokemon Platinum How Do Yo Make Pokemon Shiny

Muhmuh and Other

The treasures of Russian literature, which I did not know her as a child?
on youtube, there were videos with the Ukrainian Students and an old lady in the Berlin tram, an African who has eaten the ticket, as did the control. I landed on the Sketcher Russian broadcasts. Everyone laughed including "Muhmuh" from.

A large and strong man, etc., with a beard, young and healthy, a poor peasant, who all think "crazy" because he is silent now. One day he saves the life of a dog. In parallel, he falls in love with a servant girl who marries the command of her mistress to another. To avoid the conflict with the farmer, the mistress of her maid command should get drunk and show up on the farm Sun He drank no alcohol and for those that hated to do this, the farmer was buried with his love of mourning. His happiness he found the dog she loved him very much and remained faithful to him. A Enjoin day to kill the lady the dog. The dog had to have myself, but this would rather stay with the farmer and has been viewed unkindly and barked. When the courtiers come to the farm to execute the dog, the dumb farmer shows his hands, he would do so himself. He lets the dog drowning in a river. After this, the peasant life alone and not looking for love among women. Such a story.

I knew the book does not really, just that there are many jokes about the farmer with the dog ...

was looked up before my eyes my M. girlfriend with her dog, whom she obviously loves even more than her husband, and besides I can not imagine who they could love more than him. I have first hand their feelings in their lives as if they have ever been recognized and understood ...

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sex acts as a veritable fountain of youth. Anyone who has at least twice a week sex, looks like in ten years younger. The rendezvous also tightens the muscles, stimulates blood circulation and lowers cholesterol.
A true cocktail of endorphins circulating through the body and puts us in a noisy condition. Pain is soon forgotten and it is even migraine in the neck. Because the endorphin Serotonin, which is released during sex increased narrows the blood vessels and thereby alleviating the pounding headache. And even on memory performance and growth of nerve cells is the best thing in the world in a positive impact.
Sex is also a great antidote to stress. The British psychologist Stuart Brody of the University of Paisley had 46 participants in a study diary on her bed habits. At the same time, the 24 women and 22 men exposed to different stress situations, such as a public speech. It was found that sex can resolve stress-related blockages. Apparently losing the stress hormone adrenalin its impact - but only if the Sex itself is not associated with performance pressure.
Participants who had a relaxed and filled sex life, reacted more calmly to stressful situations and had lower blood pressure than their abstemious fellow. This effect occurred only when sex is celebrated for two. Masturbation had a significantly lower anti-stress effect. So it is not the orgasm, but rather the sensual experience with your partner.

/ from the article in gmxde: Good sex keeps you young.

Hm, good fantasy perhaps;)

How Much Does A Mans Bladder Hold

love To dance or not to dance

the question?

The object of life is to love.
love! And you will be loved!

love! Yourself first. Learn this if it is necessary!

desirable and adorable!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Congratulation Bridal Messages

"lean" Speckdiet

The little story made me smile just to sweet.

before yesterday I bought the Plus. For breakfast I wanted to have ham. Good price and good advertising have fitted. I bought bacon Mild.

two days due to so I'm taking my breakfast sandwiches and Mecke every time: What is this mild and so much bacon?

Today I I continued to read on the packaging: Mild bacon!

And again, was still something that I was quite amused: Because bacon is a raw product, please eat this just cooked through.

There! A word read no further, and instead of mild Bacon "mild bacon" bought and consumed. I think not just once! And raw bacon? So what? If there already is a fat but, I also sausage, he is raw. I knew not only that there is mild bacon. Or yet, but I thought is the it only in Ukraine and he looks different and is not cooked or eaten by then extra cooked through: Then it's a different kind of bacon. Well, a Ukrainian woman looks for a ham in the store and bought the bacon anyway. Bad luck ...

Friday, May 25, 2007

Tech Deck Game Live .com Skatepark

Some of my ear You

Sinead O'Connor = = = & search = =

= k2nAh7Snjxc Fucktychno Samy

Unemployment Certification Process Georgia

Schmeichel has (s) t I L (r) T asha (r) umbai = See everybody. Please look at all! You hate me! Let's go to count in Ukrainian ...Maßnahmen Kampf-Hopak (Hopak is an ukrainian folk dance)
Kampfhopak rockt
Hopakrobic = What is Kampfhopak

Orange Revolution Documentary Film: "The Orange Chronicles " = 8kHLQNVPRrc = & mode = related & search = = = = I


SALO bin = bacon! =

Glade & search =

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Big Booty Pinky Weight Gain

luck - Erin Smith

was always happy.
The crying you learn in life. And laughing. I remember when I learned to laugh. And crying. In different stages of life: some of them I can distinguish. The happiness and happiness does not learn. Or you have this working on it. Hard work has already paid some people to happiness. Worth it? I'm sure that stuff gets paid in life, happiness and even if you have worked hard.
"merit you love "No one is innocent, the angels live in heaven and we are the people who learn from the mistakes. They deserve respect, recognition, fame, and even sympathy it deserves under the circumstances. But the happiness and love you get paid. The procedure itself, for itself and because I defined by "I am," "I can" and "I set my goals to. It deserves, in principle, the one who you are. I love myself enough, and I can give my love without end, and I get back too little love. And what happens if I do not love me? .. I feel unhappy me? But, I'm still happy because I optimism suffer. But the fact remains: I have the respect I deserve no respect to the extent that I strive for my goals in life. I've been lazy, I was possessed by a false idea to be there for someone who I have been opposed to only a servant, a servant for me and a free thinker (human) only to yourself. But my life's journey continues. I will have to work hard to respect me and to keep my smile in the sadness on his face: To laugh when I want it and to cry when I can (allow me).

Thursday, May 17, 2007

2010 Obesity Statistics Graph

I love Verka Serduchka

Verka singing Lasha Tumbei: Lasha TumbabaJ ZWO = EUROVISION SONG CONTEST 2007 Ukraine Verka Serduchka, deu-ARD = HHR491s3iSw Lasha in Ukraine before the Euro 2007 song C. = LASHA photo shoot Verka Serduchka ? ZCzbnrnUnLE v = & mode = related & search = Internet version Lasha Tumbai, original text, "Son, tell me have you in Helsinki Lashatumbai Russiagoodbei or sung. Mom, listen ... " = No Comments

Verka sang Other: Take everything I have ... = bee Maya;) And I laugh (to not to cry ... You do not notice the tears on my face ...) =

Other Verka - Real Man Andrei Danilko writes sensual instrumental music : = After You = The Doll

Verka, "And I laugh ..."

Verka, theater

Verka, queen, crown

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Canon Printer Calibration

Quotes of the Day, from me to understand

children do not always get when you want it. otherwise there were too few people were on the earth and the animals we