Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Harold And Kumar Watch Bottomless Party Scene

Dr. Sommer, rescuers in all situations

as a permanent member of the team to ask Dr. summer have recently revived frequently at a very current subjects received. because many youth are in winter very ferängstigt, torment and yes even ashamed. which must be stopped, as The following correspondence shows, we have once again managed. We can be proud of us. keep it up:

A. r. from l. m. or part time from between 13 and 20 years old had the following question:
dear dr. Summer
runs for several hours like nose and face, I spit water. I have to worry about me? am I normal? I'm very afraid, the only to have this problem of being laughed at by all the world and it has cost me a lot of overcoming, to ask the question publicly. you are my last hope!

our answer: yes
love agnes, many thanks to you that you are entrusted to us!
believe it or not, there are many people who with the same fate to torment, I myself am one of them ... but believe me, it was found important that you ask this because now we can have a say once and for all: have noses from time to run. and if it bothers your partner, that he is the right nciht for you. for if it should come together 'noses. linking love greetings and good improvement, dr. m. summer

soon we received the following response:
dr.sommer thank dear, I feel a lot better thanks to your response and trust me now even again without rauszugehehn mouthguards in terms of my nose problem. I'm just small straws inserted into the nose, as can the slime now without problems "Run" - he won the marathon soon einstein! THANK YOU! I finally COURAGE TO LIVE ^ ^

once again we have a life saved. We have survived BSE, as well as the pest maul and-mouth disease, avian, swine, black, black pox, cholera, there are medium against tetanus ... you see: that life has meaning! Therefore: asks questions, you dare. you are never alone. We will always stand to you kidz!

sigh ... slowly degenerating into my blog to nem junk blog ^ ^ but whatever. smile on again next year:) hugs
the munich

Monday, December 21, 2009

Electric Bed For Trailer

Christmas - a celebration for all!

Dear friends! Today
anything but a normal blog entry: a reminder!
Finally it is time again ... The holiday of the year ahead. Time to relax, time for us, time for those we love. However, there are all over the world people who are not as fortunate as us. People who are neither relatives, health or money and food - let alone have any luxuries. A little story that we can all carry something more in mind ...:

The Little Match Girl

It was terribly cold on this Christmas Eve. Everything went home because it was getting late. Only a poor little girl went through the streets and tried to sell his match to. But all
People wanted as quickly as possible to their hot oven and cared nothing for the little one, who asked softly
"Buy it to me from my of matches!"
you dared not go home because she had earned a penny on that day.
On his feet the girl was wearing slippers, but they were too big because they had belonged to her dead mother. When she tried to avoid a passing car, she stumbled and fell. The little girl lost her slippers, which made their two boys in the dust.
went as the girl on his bare little feet, which were red with cold and blue.
In an old apron she carried a lot Matches, and a collar she wore in her hand.
had throughout the day you bought something no one, no one had given her a penny. Hungry and shivering in the cold crept along the small and looked very miserable.
The snowflakes covered her long, blond hair, which fell in beautiful curls around her neck. But she thought now of course not.
crouched in a corner between two houses on the ground. The little hands were almost frozen with cold already.
heard Suddenly the little girl to laugh and saw a light coming from a window. Trembling and with no feeling in her legs she stood on tiptoe and looked over the window sill.
What she saw was beautiful: Two children were playing happily in front of the Christmas tree, and the father stoked the furnace
The little girl stared at the oven, from which sprang the spark, if the dry wood was laid. How I wish they would have warmed their hands on it. How well you had to feel you in this house! How happy they all looked at this Christmas Eve ...
Maybe if I light a match?, Thought the little girl.
"Yes, why not? A match more or less, that's not so much from. And maybe I can warm myself with a little bit?"
lit So they are a match at. It took her a long time that, since her hands were stiff with cold.
The small flames threw large shadows on the walls of the house entrance. In any case, it was the girl to be so. She dreamed of heat and introduced himself as the furnace was out of the house to her and her "Merry Christmas" wish. How beautiful! How wonderful it was!
The Little Match went out, and all the magic was suddenly interrupted. In the crouching, abandoned by everyone, the little girl was sitting in his corner between two houses ...
"of matches, like someone of matches?" she stammered, even though they knew that no one would come.
She recalled that match to that had sent her such beautiful dreams, and tried to light a new one. I still have enough left, she thought.
Her teeth were chattering with cold, as she lit a new sticks. And with the light increased, the miracle.
Now it was a lavish, big table, approaching the girl. A table on which stood all the delicious dishes, which were unusual for a dinner at Christmas: roast turkey, stuffed potatoes, steaming vegetables, cakes, fruit ..
The turkey turned out very front and seemed to say: "Come and eat me!"
The little girl even smelled the delicious smell that emanated from the roast. She held out her trembling hands, and when she was about to take some of the food ... whoosh, as the Little Match was burned down.
But no, as hungry as she was, she could not allow that so many delicacies could walk past her. And it did not matter that there were only dreams, yes, she had. The only thing she wanted was that delicious turkey.
And she lit a new sticks. With the appearance of small flame changed the dream:
This time the girl saw a family gathered around a table. They drank and ate and sang Christmas carols. The father drank to the health of his family, Grandfather was touched by the songs of his grandson, and her mother saw joy on their children.
bitter tears streamed down the face of the girl. Not too long ago they too had had such good parents. Although they were never been rich as those in a dream. But her family celebrated Christmas together every year. Then they were gone from her, and in her house, there was no joy, no heat, no songs. The last flicker of the match to the little girl was even sadder.
The faster the night passed, the more severe was the biting cold in the city.
saw the small, as you slid the matches from the apron and to Floor fell. From the cold she could hardly hold more. And yet the sticks their only hope. She had nothing else than the sticks.
only under great difficulties, they could light a match to another. On the night sky appeared for a moment a figure who knew the girl well.
"grandmother, grandmother," she said. It was really her grandmother. She had had the little girl liked, and now the grandmother came down from heaven! It shone round about, and in the splendor of the old grandmother was so clear, so sweet and friendly as smile.
The little girl was so surprised that they did not noted as the Little Match went out. In no time they lit the whole rest of their sticks, because they did not want to omit the grandmother again.
"grandmother, do not go away," asked the little girl. "Come to me, Granny," The Power of the match to the grandmother saw her granddaughter.
"do not be afraid, my little girl. I'm already with you."
"grandmother, you seem to be so happy. I was very sad when you're gone. Grandmother, I'm so alone!"
The grandmother was hovering over the head of the little girl and smiled kindly. The girl tried to sit up, but their Her body no longer obeyed.
"Now I live in a place where it is never dark, where there is no cold, no hunger, no fear," replied the old woman. "In this place live at your parents, I live, to live all those who have left this world. We lack for nothing."
The girl knelt down.
"grandmother!" cried the little one. "Oh, I with thee, I know you're gone, when the match starts sticks. You disappear like the warm stove, the wonderful turkey and the beautiful Christmas tree!"
The sulfur glowed with a brilliance that was brighter than the light of day. The grandmother had never before been so beautiful, so great been. She took the little girl in her arms, and both flew on brightness and joy so high, so high! Up there, they felt no cold, no hunger, no fear - they were with God. Down in the city beat the clock bells zwölf.
But the next morning sitting in the cold morning hour, the little girl with red cheeks and smiling mouth - dead, frozen to death on Christmas Eve. The Christmas morning went on over the dead child, sat with Match Girl in his apron, of which a covenant was burned down.
"She's warm themselves want," said two people who just walked past. But they had no idea. No one knew what they had seen beautiful, in which Splendor it had entered with her grandmother, on Christmas joy ...

border Actually fates as they are not often so heartwarming. This is why I, like every year making a concern to you in this very emotionally intense time suggestions as to how and where can be helped without too much effort: The Foundation
ANTENNA BAYERN Helps / nachrichten/programmaktionen/artikel/122499/Stiftung-ANTENNE-BAYERN-hilft-.html ,

The Elton John AIDS Foundation and

The German AIDS Foundation

, looking after all these silent destiny, they also bring a light in the Christmas season - and beyond. I know it sounds corny, but: Every penny counts!

I wish you and all your family a Merry Christmas enjoy yourselves, have fun and celebrate well into a happy new year 2010!

Best regards, Marius

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Kates Playgroundcojiendo

Look Madison, it is drizzling!

time has come, the last part of the year begins. No matter where you look through the refreshingly nachnovemberlichen drizzle clouds, shimmering against one's first Christmas lights. What a childish delight. The Haderner microcosm sparkles in different colors of green and yellow to blue to pink, back to purple and finally red. Gray. Eber a prison can not be denied anymore ... a smell of contemplation is in the air: there is mulled wine, people!

All this was of course not as sudden as it would seem - in Gegentei! Yes, it is true in a few days .. oh God, no! Hours! is back at surprisingly Christmas Eve at the door. And this year the issue of potential gifts will not be solved until that second. But precisely because this topic erntfernt still so far is, I will also provide the first at the appropriate time.
Yet alone the way to today, here and now was a very special, like to suggest that most interesting and eventful ...: November
his summer spent the munich average non-business student or Marius at 5 locations . Each site in still be divided into several sections, hallways and rooms can each performing a specific function (like the four-stage division of the grammatical analysis of English sentence ... exciting, eh?) . The locations were: LMU (education scales), H & M (Shopping-scales), Gärtnerplatz Theater (Musical theater-scales), the streets of the City (policy to stop rogue) and Pacha (electric scales, where the five mentioned by the author added comments must never be confused!). [Off unimportance and rare presence is excluded my apartment in this contribution and is almost entirely down to a quota-not mentioned further addressed: the kitchen is still dirty, but my lights lit in the window ...]
is slowly In the former, a familiar routine of the semester, everyone knows his courses, his seat is next (even if I find my real bank neighbor probably never me sitzten'll see ... rip, school) and his teachers. But not its substance, because, unfortunately, finds the average student is not long enough time to detail to deal with it. is also secondary.
is in second it is passed slowly for a month in the parlous state of the working hours to finally recover. What the common vendor has had the opportunity to process all the highlights to the end and savor the shock and trauma: a few weeks ago, on a dull afternoon, penetrating moaning softly whispering from the deposited Umkleideam left end of the corridor. Of course can not at this moment very unpleasant feeling seller decide to simply knock, but got completely paralized the oldest, most authority radiating colleagues who knocks and without evil tone of voice prompts "Please nciht Couple going to the cabin" ... It obviously takes some time to find until the two, about 16 year old teen Emos their Klamottenn weider. Until then, formed the now four-piece H & M Battalion, track animals on both the pleasure-with reproachful eyes. The two go so fast not back together in a changing ... And you, dear reader, does not beg at the hysterical "I want sex in the H & M" howOld-groups! I would be very very disappointed ...
The other scenes my monthly drama with five naked can be summed up quickly, and I may stop short with the third point mentioned above in this very same jargon: I was last Thursday with a group of students and Dossi- Teachers in the theater and had a field day with all ... Thank you for that! furthermore
the streets of Munich were due to the continuing education strike my 4th Home. And it is nnot rule out that it ncoh until Christmas, or even could remain beyond. For our main auditorium is still occupied. And it remains to demand no matter what all business mathematics, because the people who sit wide dirt ass fighting even for your conditions! Keep it up, you have my full support until Thursday! (Information:; soundtrack: )
Well, the final act, and after a short while retarding torque peak began the total elapsed time. However, starting already in place 3: vonTobi farewell party that has left our horny Family = (but he can jump in compensation to some prosecco and beer, thank you for this very funny when one late night off. the Center staggers;) And then we went off in said electro-club Pacha, which until a few disadvantages (particularly nasty cigarette machine and expensive prices, for example 10 - is recommended admission, 9.50 vodka bull ... ^ ^ to) only, if you want to just make really cool party! Since that time which also holds mans up by 6 :)

And now I'm sitting here in the middle of the night and do my duty to you at last no longer to let uninformed. My lights off, the wind rattles my shutters. It is winter, my dear fellow. The stade time comes. and also the holy night. Therefore, the (almost) finally a good tip: the advent calendar is ticking ... MACH YOU THOUGHTS ABOUT CHRISTMAS GIFTS!

a wonderful week and see you soon!
Ahoy, ahoy, Marius

PS: Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away ... ;)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Masterbation Tricks For Older Woman

over the timetable, organization, and much more ...

After my last first Erstsemestertag ...

wisdom of the day also will be frozen grass mowed!

as this morning when I walked to the u-bahn at the park and along a poor, Siberian packed man had to mow ...

Wow, what a start to the week. Just really tiring. Although Mary and many others now believe the safe, but those are only the old prejudices (improvement of students do not have too much free time ... just as much to write every 2 weeks NEN journal ..!), and I've visited so far only 8 hours in two days, it is hardly possible to include all necessary information the first time. Similarly, of course, still all DIN-A-4-brochures, in which a number of important be about 3-mm-Winzschrift dargelgt and one after the first 2 inches has already tired of the durchzuukämpfen more ... Just as information books, course catalogs, forms, and and and and and.
But of course that is not all. For one thing would be there, what Munich Unileute are particularly proud: Not only with their whole education system itself (in terms of categorization = division, which shows in which semester and is referred to as and modularization = "handlichmachung" of the curriculum) but also in terms of organization. The lMule loves his LSF. (WERS will look at times, the home has not deterred from the way the rest:
The problem is it is programmed nciht really correct. Not bad, because some people think, but the problem: you have to the courses that are important, and these are the sign most, by LSF ... As can happen before, that the PC simply does not accept your registration, or the occupied lecture can not be included in your schedule ... or even better: It is well within the false information. Example: Latin beginners' course. I need for my language. Info: Registration for all required application is not possible, assigned seats: 0, free places: 0.
As you stand then, as in kindergarten, and thinks to himself, who is now because the one who has no idea where? Ultimately, I am simply without notification, which was also correct because only log Bachelor degree must, but the next problem: the SPF-part has recommended all the wrong student teachers (3-hour week) course, and the the other bachelors (4-hour). Now, of course, modify the most ncih more, now we are in the 3-hour course of so doing he would be a 4 hours of ...

Oh God, the great sales, only bad .. I can let nciht so ... No people, being a student is fun, except the one in a few days even run people from their own vintage of the way that you wanted to see as soon nciht weider, again only at the class reunion ...
But what you can really appreciate: the hours. I am fortunate in my English classes only sympathetic to teachers as far as I know so far. There's the nice, middle-aged professor of English teaching. Dry topic, but they managed that one yet somehow interested. And then the Dr. of above-mentioned Latin course: Type Schieferle, only competent, and tells his stories all the time dei ... and has been maintained with Sien calendar, but this vielleciht another time ...;) so that was all yesterday.

The alarm rings at 6, not in the mood to get up, always the same game. Three-quarters 8: Time for rettchen grow up, I have to fire me from looking lost the only type of loan, which was at that time already ... Jura-Ümit man who does not have any apartment in Munich, Augsburg comes from a small town Hinf and at the moment still needs to get up every day at half-fifth
But at 8:30, with a quarter-hour delay is our Integrated Skills Teacher, Oxford Sunnyboy Simon, with a broad smile in the space walks and invite us, zsammen in the group at the Kennenlernspielchen join. (This evening my Mitbewhonerin Yvonne thrilled: "Oh great, Simon, did you know educational games made?") Yes. We have. long. and it has even made fun because the rusted English could retrieve it from the verse effect.
So, that was the most important of the day ... The soziveranstaltungen tonight I'll be right back are bend, boring, and I braucs not because I will change anyway as soon as possible .... So guut, n bit much free time I have at the moment already. one probably I'm spending more time on the phone soon and thus with you ... ? Or you - or you and a pinch I can kill air time at work - tomorrow is my first H & M-day;)'m curious ...

Wwürd happy however, to read a line!
greet in the province! to all who live there but is 100% non-provincials are. these are only the ones that have now come to Munich to study with me ...^^

Ahoy, Marius

Monday, October 5, 2009

Online Kutumb Episodes

you call it ... the first time ..!

Yes it is actually so far.
I'm sitting here. In my own apartment, a laptop and it works Michael Jackson, the feeling of the unfamiliar to push a little ... My beautiful table candle is burning, thanks Mom. the light of the candle falling on the bare wall.
lonely thing, but not alone. But one is ever alone? No easy question to answer. It must be accessible on the situation ...
Currently: Nothing moves, the only thing audible is the crackling of the rain on my orange push-blinds and the Earth song ... Aaaahhhaahhhhahhahahhh. yes, it feels themselves at that, to suddenly be gone - in a completely new universe.

this morning but I know I was not safe alone. Not if the 600 other new student teachers with you in the biggest physics classroom (yes, the first impression was everything with you now ...^^) LMU gather and (almost) all with drawn teachers -Association-advertising gift pens and note their leaves waiting, even though the Versnstaltung starts in 20 minutes ... I was "almost".
I found it simply not important to monitor the Geschleime some deans and professors, and tell me to leave, they actually anyway can not say anything concrete, so that virtually everyone because for a single individual and therefore categorical case.
Nevertheless, this did not have the stupid property to be protracted over three hours, with no escape. Too many people in the row, on the steps on the floor in the hallway ... Please now, no subsequent terrorist attack Oktoberfest!

But the banter was actually survive ("ego sum exemplaris I"?) And I was really terrific two hours in high society-sunshine-time remaining to me to get a snack and ne landline phone number. Both somehow succeeded. ne both difficult birth. my beautiful Hawaiian tongue and have been out only taken out of the cellar and my Vodafone Apprentice Yilmaz, who did not know whether to me or Sietse name basis, and therefore both used in the same sentence has to constantly Bu ro must deceive in order to clarify some things ... Luckily I had two hours - change so quickly the views! be)
quick back to uni, phone must be forwarded UACh first ...; madness, what great information I can pass here somehow is not all that as presented, but good.

Then another setback at the next event info: is nevertheless a well-known short-haired Günzburger drummer myself, initials CW, self-given nickname "God". But only in bad jokes. But a familiar face was positive but auhc there would have been bad, if, although they tried to escape from local farmers, this would only really been there. The good Nina has blasted against me, the one that has been with me from time to time in Dürrlauingen together internship ... but no mention added that she went to Munich.
After the event, which was again not really Hiflreich - except you can not pick out yourself in the position of the office hours of tutors on the Internet - it has also seen me then endlcih and asked what I've decided. And then complain vehemently, because I have to do with her special education teacher ..! And then came the hottest of the day: nothing but broad Swabian dialect, in the middle of Munich, in the style of little Simon, the here, but no one knows but whatever. "Abr me wellat but zam Spaggalehrir maha ...!" - At least a bit of a home feeling. But well, I'm sorry baby, not today. even if it's really harmful is!

And then called Sarah, the poor little from Bonn, which since Saturday all alone with no familiar contact in Munich and has been hoping that I get - madness how much a woman in 4 hours, which is the one part drinking coffee and looking the other with a DVD and eating dung MCDoof spends talking to ...! But fun, especially the accent - and she does not believe that what she has ... But it is at least someone is not in one extreme of the wooden math computer science equipment, a la Ella, or the other of turbo-punk Egon, who is only there to finally have something to do ...

But never mind, will already have other ordinary people like me (I forbid you find here every ...!) grin.
all in all is just to say: I miss my old 11c. Maybe even the college level. Or? well, I think because I need to listen a little deeper into me ... but the result of my hypnotic esoteric yoga self-reflection will get through catharsis erharen her soon. Maybe soon - after the next mouse.
or just next time in the Maxi-Super Mario Blog
greetings to all home to!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Mh-c9000 Lacrosse 900 Compare

One child dies. Long live an angel

Yes it was day in Los Angeles when I'm awake at night have been here in Germany and 've chatted. My chat partner wrote to me then about 4 clock at night: Michael Jackson is dead I wrote back that: "even requested euthanasia." Thus the theme for the chat conversation was over. And then I went to bed soon.

I did not like his music. And I have him as a music artist or a singer not appreciated. What he took with me emotionless recognition that was her dancing talent. The movement - the right move - I can always feel good, better than the voice, perhaps. Yes, he was also a good singer, therefore, means to me that, he has sung clean, not to say fake, and he's got the whole thing together well, the voice, the text which he sang, the spectacle of the facial muscles, the theater of emotions. Yes, he provided quality shows, along with his co-made.

The "development" after his death I have seen look at how we are witnessing a tragedy in silence. Best viewed as an outsider. Media-Tags: icon, pop icon, King Star, the biggest star, and whatever, and also next door, but, loud slogans such as mass psychosis, Schizophrenia, and some more feature-stories about the sad fate of a child.

Staples Center in Los Angeles. Surprise mourning show. Golden coffin. His debts. Profits of the family-n-nationals. Child custody dispute. Medical debt allocations. "Black-show" Goodbye Jacko says the world-online-emergency report following the funeral service at Staples. This is not even clear yet whether the body should be buried, there would be no approval of the competent official. Ouch.

Sun I have something . Overslept It was 19:15 in Germany, when I turned on my TV. And I was relieved that I now have my tea to drink in peace, for it took another dozen minutes, until the subject "The show must go on". Sun again I was not even surprised, but I'd rather not have any expectations, so I was surprised to heavy. The show was OK for me, put simply successful project, even with the crying Jackson's daughter for the world public. But when I saw on the screen, one of the first showman-Michael Jackson video, where he and his brothers sang as a young King, I burst into tears. This was a real surprise. The moment I said: Yes, it is a child died. Michael Jackson died with his biological 50 years, but his soul is left as a child his body. The suddenly for me, been disclosed.

The video "Ghost" as the day before yesterday I saw for the first time ever. Today was the video on television here again. If you have made honor or for the peace of the dead may sometimes be the video and expressed yesterday or today, perhaps rather not broadcast on TV? Ah yes, that last video with Michael Jackson as some of who betrayed him. As high level of fitness that is allegedly promised to see on the video is faked but bashful apology for the real criminals, the Jacko have rushed out of this world. The video is to recognize clearly that the force exerted by the movements of a star for years and experienced body work used to be a perfect body control are due to, but in these last days of his death, an absolute dose at the services accordingly. we see the Jackson, who like a robot his last energy, he has still diligently executes, not so fast, but until the last spark of his last battery. To this battery, it was already connected as a child. From then on it was hard to use his ex-users. The show is so hard.

And then I saw my video "Ghost", it's second time or third time today. And then suddenly I saw why Michael had to die now. Simple. The singing that was the battery problem. But the dancing was his little secret. The dancing, he always enjoyed that a star's career-life was bearable, that was his favorite candy, his soul-rest. After his body was burned war und nicht mehr seine Tanzkunst richtig befriedigend für ihn selber war, konnte er nicht mehr mit sich selber mithalten.