Monday, December 21, 2009

Electric Bed For Trailer

Christmas - a celebration for all!

Dear friends! Today
anything but a normal blog entry: a reminder!
Finally it is time again ... The holiday of the year ahead. Time to relax, time for us, time for those we love. However, there are all over the world people who are not as fortunate as us. People who are neither relatives, health or money and food - let alone have any luxuries. A little story that we can all carry something more in mind ...:

The Little Match Girl

It was terribly cold on this Christmas Eve. Everything went home because it was getting late. Only a poor little girl went through the streets and tried to sell his match to. But all
People wanted as quickly as possible to their hot oven and cared nothing for the little one, who asked softly
"Buy it to me from my of matches!"
you dared not go home because she had earned a penny on that day.
On his feet the girl was wearing slippers, but they were too big because they had belonged to her dead mother. When she tried to avoid a passing car, she stumbled and fell. The little girl lost her slippers, which made their two boys in the dust.
went as the girl on his bare little feet, which were red with cold and blue.
In an old apron she carried a lot Matches, and a collar she wore in her hand.
had throughout the day you bought something no one, no one had given her a penny. Hungry and shivering in the cold crept along the small and looked very miserable.
The snowflakes covered her long, blond hair, which fell in beautiful curls around her neck. But she thought now of course not.
crouched in a corner between two houses on the ground. The little hands were almost frozen with cold already.
heard Suddenly the little girl to laugh and saw a light coming from a window. Trembling and with no feeling in her legs she stood on tiptoe and looked over the window sill.
What she saw was beautiful: Two children were playing happily in front of the Christmas tree, and the father stoked the furnace
The little girl stared at the oven, from which sprang the spark, if the dry wood was laid. How I wish they would have warmed their hands on it. How well you had to feel you in this house! How happy they all looked at this Christmas Eve ...
Maybe if I light a match?, Thought the little girl.
"Yes, why not? A match more or less, that's not so much from. And maybe I can warm myself with a little bit?"
lit So they are a match at. It took her a long time that, since her hands were stiff with cold.
The small flames threw large shadows on the walls of the house entrance. In any case, it was the girl to be so. She dreamed of heat and introduced himself as the furnace was out of the house to her and her "Merry Christmas" wish. How beautiful! How wonderful it was!
The Little Match went out, and all the magic was suddenly interrupted. In the crouching, abandoned by everyone, the little girl was sitting in his corner between two houses ...
"of matches, like someone of matches?" she stammered, even though they knew that no one would come.
She recalled that match to that had sent her such beautiful dreams, and tried to light a new one. I still have enough left, she thought.
Her teeth were chattering with cold, as she lit a new sticks. And with the light increased, the miracle.
Now it was a lavish, big table, approaching the girl. A table on which stood all the delicious dishes, which were unusual for a dinner at Christmas: roast turkey, stuffed potatoes, steaming vegetables, cakes, fruit ..
The turkey turned out very front and seemed to say: "Come and eat me!"
The little girl even smelled the delicious smell that emanated from the roast. She held out her trembling hands, and when she was about to take some of the food ... whoosh, as the Little Match was burned down.
But no, as hungry as she was, she could not allow that so many delicacies could walk past her. And it did not matter that there were only dreams, yes, she had. The only thing she wanted was that delicious turkey.
And she lit a new sticks. With the appearance of small flame changed the dream:
This time the girl saw a family gathered around a table. They drank and ate and sang Christmas carols. The father drank to the health of his family, Grandfather was touched by the songs of his grandson, and her mother saw joy on their children.
bitter tears streamed down the face of the girl. Not too long ago they too had had such good parents. Although they were never been rich as those in a dream. But her family celebrated Christmas together every year. Then they were gone from her, and in her house, there was no joy, no heat, no songs. The last flicker of the match to the little girl was even sadder.
The faster the night passed, the more severe was the biting cold in the city.
saw the small, as you slid the matches from the apron and to Floor fell. From the cold she could hardly hold more. And yet the sticks their only hope. She had nothing else than the sticks.
only under great difficulties, they could light a match to another. On the night sky appeared for a moment a figure who knew the girl well.
"grandmother, grandmother," she said. It was really her grandmother. She had had the little girl liked, and now the grandmother came down from heaven! It shone round about, and in the splendor of the old grandmother was so clear, so sweet and friendly as smile.
The little girl was so surprised that they did not noted as the Little Match went out. In no time they lit the whole rest of their sticks, because they did not want to omit the grandmother again.
"grandmother, do not go away," asked the little girl. "Come to me, Granny," The Power of the match to the grandmother saw her granddaughter.
"do not be afraid, my little girl. I'm already with you."
"grandmother, you seem to be so happy. I was very sad when you're gone. Grandmother, I'm so alone!"
The grandmother was hovering over the head of the little girl and smiled kindly. The girl tried to sit up, but their Her body no longer obeyed.
"Now I live in a place where it is never dark, where there is no cold, no hunger, no fear," replied the old woman. "In this place live at your parents, I live, to live all those who have left this world. We lack for nothing."
The girl knelt down.
"grandmother!" cried the little one. "Oh, I with thee, I know you're gone, when the match starts sticks. You disappear like the warm stove, the wonderful turkey and the beautiful Christmas tree!"
The sulfur glowed with a brilliance that was brighter than the light of day. The grandmother had never before been so beautiful, so great been. She took the little girl in her arms, and both flew on brightness and joy so high, so high! Up there, they felt no cold, no hunger, no fear - they were with God. Down in the city beat the clock bells zwölf.
But the next morning sitting in the cold morning hour, the little girl with red cheeks and smiling mouth - dead, frozen to death on Christmas Eve. The Christmas morning went on over the dead child, sat with Match Girl in his apron, of which a covenant was burned down.
"She's warm themselves want," said two people who just walked past. But they had no idea. No one knew what they had seen beautiful, in which Splendor it had entered with her grandmother, on Christmas joy ...

border Actually fates as they are not often so heartwarming. This is why I, like every year making a concern to you in this very emotionally intense time suggestions as to how and where can be helped without too much effort: The Foundation
ANTENNA BAYERN Helps / nachrichten/programmaktionen/artikel/122499/Stiftung-ANTENNE-BAYERN-hilft-.html ,

The Elton John AIDS Foundation and

The German AIDS Foundation

, looking after all these silent destiny, they also bring a light in the Christmas season - and beyond. I know it sounds corny, but: Every penny counts!

I wish you and all your family a Merry Christmas enjoy yourselves, have fun and celebrate well into a happy new year 2010!

Best regards, Marius


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