Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Kates Playgroundcojiendo

Look Madison, it is drizzling!

time has come, the last part of the year begins. No matter where you look through the refreshingly nachnovemberlichen drizzle clouds, shimmering against one's first Christmas lights. What a childish delight. The Haderner microcosm sparkles in different colors of green and yellow to blue to pink, back to purple and finally red. Gray. Eber a prison can not be denied anymore ... a smell of contemplation is in the air: there is mulled wine, people!

All this was of course not as sudden as it would seem - in Gegentei! Yes, it is true in a few days .. oh God, no! Hours! is back at surprisingly Christmas Eve at the door. And this year the issue of potential gifts will not be solved until that second. But precisely because this topic erntfernt still so far is, I will also provide the first at the appropriate time.
Yet alone the way to today, here and now was a very special, like to suggest that most interesting and eventful ...: November
his summer spent the munich average non-business student or Marius at 5 locations . Each site in still be divided into several sections, hallways and rooms can each performing a specific function (like the four-stage division of the grammatical analysis of English sentence ... exciting, eh?) . The locations were: LMU (education scales), H & M (Shopping-scales), Gärtnerplatz Theater (Musical theater-scales), the streets of the City (policy to stop rogue) and Pacha (electric scales, where the five mentioned by the author added comments must never be confused!). [Off unimportance and rare presence is excluded my apartment in this contribution and is almost entirely down to a quota-not mentioned further addressed: the kitchen is still dirty, but my lights lit in the window ...]
is slowly In the former, a familiar routine of the semester, everyone knows his courses, his seat is next (even if I find my real bank neighbor probably never me sitzten'll see ... rip, school) and his teachers. But not its substance, because, unfortunately, finds the average student is not long enough time to detail to deal with it. is also secondary.
is in second it is passed slowly for a month in the parlous state of the working hours to finally recover. What the common vendor has had the opportunity to process all the highlights to the end and savor the shock and trauma: a few weeks ago, on a dull afternoon, penetrating moaning softly whispering from the deposited Umkleideam left end of the corridor. Of course can not at this moment very unpleasant feeling seller decide to simply knock, but got completely paralized the oldest, most authority radiating colleagues who knocks and without evil tone of voice prompts "Please nciht Couple going to the cabin" ... It obviously takes some time to find until the two, about 16 year old teen Emos their Klamottenn weider. Until then, formed the now four-piece H & M Battalion, track animals on both the pleasure-with reproachful eyes. The two go so fast not back together in a changing ... And you, dear reader, does not beg at the hysterical "I want sex in the H & M" howOld-groups! I would be very very disappointed ...
The other scenes my monthly drama with five naked can be summed up quickly, and I may stop short with the third point mentioned above in this very same jargon: I was last Thursday with a group of students and Dossi- Teachers in the theater and had a field day with all ... Thank you for that! furthermore
the streets of Munich were due to the continuing education strike my 4th Home. And it is nnot rule out that it ncoh until Christmas, or even could remain beyond. For our main auditorium is still occupied. And it remains to demand no matter what all business mathematics, because the people who sit wide dirt ass fighting even for your conditions! Keep it up, you have my full support until Thursday! (Information: www.unsereunibrennt.de; soundtrack: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOuNu3YVGD4 )
Well, the final act, and after a short while retarding torque peak began the total elapsed time. However, starting already in place 3: vonTobi farewell party that has left our horny Family = (but he can jump in compensation to some prosecco and beer, thank you for this very funny when one late night off. the Center staggers;) And then we went off in said electro-club Pacha, which until a few disadvantages (particularly nasty cigarette machine and expensive prices, for example 10 - is recommended admission, 9.50 vodka bull ... ^ ^ to) only, if you want to just make really cool party! Since that time which also holds mans up by 6 :)

And now I'm sitting here in the middle of the night and do my duty to you at last no longer to let uninformed. My lights off, the wind rattles my shutters. It is winter, my dear fellow. The stade time comes. and also the holy night. Therefore, the (almost) finally a good tip: the advent calendar is ticking ... MACH YOU THOUGHTS ABOUT CHRISTMAS GIFTS!

a wonderful week and see you soon!
Ahoy, ahoy, Marius

PS: Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away ... ;)


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